Hypothyroidism and Reproduction

Thyroid Thursday Episode 44: Hypothyroidism & Reproduction I was recently asked by a viewer of the Thyroid Thursday series what role thyroid hormones and Hypothyroidism might play in reproduction. She wanted to know what impact thyroid hormones play in the person’s inability to get and stay pregnant. It’s a great question and one that more…

Inflammation & Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Thursday Episode 43: Inflammation & Hypothyroidism Inflammation and hypothyroidism go hand in hand. At the root of Hypothyroidism and hypothyroid symptoms for many people is an inflammatory condition. Medical doctors rarely run tests that indicate an inflammatory state. Why is inflammation important in relation to thyroid function? Inflammation: Can suppress the H-P axis reducing…

How Estrogen Impacts Thyroid Hormone Function

Thyroid Answers Podcast #9: How Estrogen Impacts Thyroid Hormone Function   Drs. Eric Balcavage and Erica Riggleman discuss how estrogen impacts thyroid hormone function. Estrogen impacts thyroid hormone physiology via multiple pathways. It can reduce iodide uptake by the gland, reducing the production of thyroid hormone. It can increase thyroid hormone binding globulin (THBG) limiting the amount…

Hypothyroidism and Hormones

Thyroid Answers Podcast #8: Hypothyroidism and the Connection with Sex and Adrenal Hormones Drs. Erica Riggleman and Eric Balcavage discuss the link between Hypothyroidism and Sex and Adrenal Hormones. The doctors provide an introduction to hormones. They discuss the primary hormones, metabolites and the best available tests for evaluating sex and adrenal hormones. This episode…

Cruciferous Vegetables and Hypothyroidism

Thyroid Thursday Episode 41: Do Cruciferous Vegetables Cause Thyroid Problems? Do Cruciferous Vegetables Cause Thyroid Problems? The simple answer is that for the vast majority of people with hypothyroidism, cruciferous vegetables do not disrupt thyroid hormone production, and are really important for overall health. Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates which is the precursor for isothiocyanates. It…