705 female patients

Why female Hashi’s patients choose functional medicine

It doesn’t take long once you learn about functional medicine to realize it attracts primarily women. Why? Chronic disorders affect more women than men and conventional medicine’s treatment of women often ranges from disappointing to dehumanizing. Millions of women who suffer from Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism learn this first-hand when their symptoms go unaddressed despite medication. Conventional…

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How do you really know what’s in your supplements when you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism?

When you’re working to manage your autoimmune Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, you’ll come across recommendations for supplements to help you tame inflammation, support adrenal health, and help repair the gut. It’s important to know a little bit about supplement quality. The United States enjoys liberal access to nutritional supplements. We can buy virtually any supplement from multiple…