By Marcus Guimarães - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,

Five ways eating more vegetables makes you feel better when you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

New research shows increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables can boost your well-being in as little as two weeks. Although the study didn’t explain why, previous studies show eating more vegetables impacts brain, immune, and gut health — all of which affect your mood. When you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, this is an especially good reason…

Taken by Tom Mallinson

Why functional medicine lab testing is important with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

Lab testing is foundational to functional medicine, and for good reason if you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. It can show you what is causing your symptoms, if you are headed toward other autoimmune diseases (even if you don’t have symptoms), track the progress of your protocol, and motivate you to stick with your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism protocol. Lab…

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Why you should care about leaky gut when you have Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

Does stuff really leak out of your intestines when you have leaky gut? The truth is, contents of the small intestine escape through the wall into the bloodstream. This can trigger many different inflammatory disorders and flare up your Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, making it difficult to manage. Leaky gut is associated with symptoms including: Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism…

Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss Thyroid Answers Podcast #4: Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss   Drs. Eric and Erica discuss the challenges people with hypothyroidism have with weight loss.  They discuss the difference between weight loss, fat loss, and the connection with thyroid hormones.  The doctors dig into the reasons people with hypothyroidism struggle to maintain a healthy weight. There…

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Three ways to use the placebo effect when you have Hashimoto’s

The placebo effect is a target of ridicule but studies show it has become increasingly effective in recent years, particularly in the United States, where drugs for pain, depression, anxiety sometimes barely outmatch placebos. This is good news for people with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.  Fortunately, researchers have decided to study how and why the placebo effect works. By embracing the…